We arrive in Dubai at 7 am and sleep until early afternoon in our hotel. This time we know not to walk anywhere in this city as it's just too darn hot. We catch a taxi to Dubai Mall and wander around bedazzled by the swanky mall's interior with its vast array of shops, ice-skating rink, inbuilt aquarium, gold souk, fountain and light show on the half hour. We both have a bit of a last minute shopping spree. Good to see husband finally buy himself something!
Another taxi drive to another shopping precinct - this one selling traditonal wares near the beach area and the seven star Al Qasr Hotel. We decide to have dinner and sit in an open area overlooking an artificial lake and the amazing sight of the hotel. Three different waiters compete for our order - each from different restaurants. Quite ridiculous - Alan has a meal from one, me another and because we don't want to leave the other one out Alan has an apple juice from the third.
Arab men smoking hookers are at other tables. We can't have an alcoholic drink with dinner so after our meal we head down the steps to the bean bag area right beside the lake for a drink. It is an extraordinary atmosphere with lounge music playing and lights in the date palms casting intriguing shadows. We watch as the Al Qasr comes alive with strobe lights up and down its sail shape and comment on the helicopter pad which perches off to one side near the top of the building like a side table for drinks. Bizarre! After being in Europe where everything is old it is strange to be somewhere where everything is new and the architecture is so vastly different. Tomorrow we will be back in Australia - which will be a different story again...
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